Nonostante il caldo torrido di questi giorni ho deciso, molto coraggiosamente, di testare ugualmente la mia nuova camicia asimmetrica, scovata durante i saldi, cosa ne pensate? Il taglio asimmetrico la rende molto particolare ed il tessuto impalpabile è leggerissimo ed elegante, mi fa impazzire abbinata al mio maxi collier! Probabilmente non la indosserò più per un bel po', il test per una sera va bene, ma non voglio liquefarmi nuovamente! :-) Un abbraccio fortissimo a tutti, soprattutto a quelli che, come me, stanno già contando i giorni che mancano alle sospirate vacanze ... qualcuno di voi ha gia fatto programmi?
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Despite the heat of these days I decided, very courageously, to test my new asymmetric shirt, found during sales, what do you think? The asymmetrical cut makes it very special and the intangible tissue is very light and elegant, it drives me crazy combined with my big necklace! Probably I will not wear it for a long time but the test for one night is fine, I do not want liquify myself again! :-) A big hug to everyone, especially those who, like me, are already counting the days until the holidays ... Has anyone already made plans?
Ps: If you found this post interesting, click on "Like", on the FB button just below the post, help me to grow!
Despite the heat of these days I decided, very courageously, to test my new asymmetric shirt, found during sales, what do you think? The asymmetrical cut makes it very special and the intangible tissue is very light and elegant, it drives me crazy combined with my big necklace! Probably I will not wear it for a long time but the test for one night is fine, I do not want liquify myself again! :-) A big hug to everyone, especially those who, like me, are already counting the days until the holidays ... Has anyone already made plans?
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