2nd day in Lindenberg: Hat Museum & Mayser factory
Il secondo giorno a Lindenberg, con il progetto Grundtvig, è trascorso con una full immertion sulla cultura del cappello in Germania. Questa mattina, insieme a tutto il team, abbiamo avuto la possibilità di osservare dal vivo la produzione dei cappelli all'interno della fabbrica Mayser, la più importante in Europa per la manifattura di cappelli. Abbiamo percorso le varie stanze all'interno delle quali vengono inizialmente prodotti gli stampi per i pezzi in edizione limitata, intagliando a mano il legno e dando la sagoma predefinita. Per la produzione in serie vengono realizzati stampi in plastica, sui quali viene successivamente modellata la forma in alluminio, sulla quale viene appoggiato il tessuto da plasmare. All'interno della fabbrica vengono utilizzati diversi materiali, principalmente feltro di pecora e coniglio, e paglia o rafìa. Ogni modello viene ottenuto mediante una lavorazione manuale, con antiche tecniche che contribuiscono a salvaguardare l'importanza del nome dell'azienda. La decorazione e l'inserimento di dettagli di riconoscimento, come etichette o ricami brandizzati, avviene tramite speciali macchine taglia e cuci, nello stesso stile dei primi anni del 19esimo secolo. A seguire, dopo una meravigliosa pizza in compagnia, abbiamo visitato il museo del cappello più importante in Germania, tra i primi nel mondo. Un angolo nel quale è racchiuso un importantissimo pezzo di storia, nonchè i più famosi modelli di cappello, loro utilizzo e tradizione. Come il Panama, originariamente indossato dai contadini equadoregni e diventato famoso grazie al presidente Roosevelt durante l'inaugurazione del famoso canale; oppure il modello in feltro di Indiana Jones. C'è davvero molto da vedere, e da imparare in questo paradiso, tutto in stile ottocentesco! E per concludere in bellezza la giornata, siamo stati condotti in un paesaggio da sogno, tra prati, migliaia di fiori selvatici, colline, cavalli e mucche al pascolo, a degustare un delizioso formaggio locale con birra annessa...cosa potrei chiedere di più? A domani ragazzi, con la prossima avventura: il design del primo cappello firmato Mixelchic ;-)
The second day in Lindenberg, with the Grundtvig project, was a full immertion into the culture of the hat in Germany. This morning, together with the whole team, we had the opportunity of watching the production of hats in the factory Mayser, the most important in Europe for the manufacture of hats. We walked inside the various rooms in which were initially produced the molds for the protypes. For the production in series are made plastic molds, on which is subsequently molded the shape of aluminum, on which is placed the tissue to be molded. The factory uses different materials, mainly sheep and rabbit felt, and straw or raffia. Each model is obtained by a manual process, with ancient techniques which help to preserve the importance of the company name. The decoration and details of recognition, such as labels or branded embroidery, are made by special cutting and sewing machines in the same style of the early 19th century. Next, after a wonderful pizza with friends, we visited the museum of the hat, the most important Germany, among the first in the world. A corner in which it is enclosed a very important piece of history, as well as the most famous hat patterns, usage and tradition. Like Panama, originally worn by Ecuadorians and became famous thanks to President Roosevelt during the dedication of the famous canal, or the model for Indiana Jones. There's lots to see and learn in this paradise, all in nineteenth-century style! To round off the evening, we were led into a dream landscape, with meadows, thousands of wild flowers, hills, grazing horses and cows, tasting a delicious local cheese with beer ... what more could I ask ? See you tomorrow guys, the next adventure: the design of the first hat signed Mixelchic ;-)
The second day in Lindenberg, with the Grundtvig project, was a full immertion into the culture of the hat in Germany. This morning, together with the whole team, we had the opportunity of watching the production of hats in the factory Mayser, the most important in Europe for the manufacture of hats. We walked inside the various rooms in which were initially produced the molds for the protypes. For the production in series are made plastic molds, on which is subsequently molded the shape of aluminum, on which is placed the tissue to be molded. The factory uses different materials, mainly sheep and rabbit felt, and straw or raffia. Each model is obtained by a manual process, with ancient techniques which help to preserve the importance of the company name. The decoration and details of recognition, such as labels or branded embroidery, are made by special cutting and sewing machines in the same style of the early 19th century. Next, after a wonderful pizza with friends, we visited the museum of the hat, the most important Germany, among the first in the world. A corner in which it is enclosed a very important piece of history, as well as the most famous hat patterns, usage and tradition. Like Panama, originally worn by Ecuadorians and became famous thanks to President Roosevelt during the dedication of the famous canal, or the model for Indiana Jones. There's lots to see and learn in this paradise, all in nineteenth-century style! To round off the evening, we were led into a dream landscape, with meadows, thousands of wild flowers, hills, grazing horses and cows, tasting a delicious local cheese with beer ... what more could I ask ? See you tomorrow guys, the next adventure: the design of the first hat signed Mixelchic ;-)
Ma allora è vero! Non è solo una diceria! :-) (Nessuna offesa naturalmente!)
Just Married in Lindenberg :-)
3 commenti
Penso che tu stia vivendo davvero un'esperienza stupenda ;)
RispondiEliminaPs la prima foto è bellissima!!!
che invidia!!! =P
RispondiEliminasi ragazze è davvero un'esperienza bellissima :-)! No Bibu non invidiarmi :-(