Lipton: Stay Cool !
Questa mattina ho partecipato con piacere all'evento - presentazione delle nuove grafiche Lipton, realizzate in collaborazione con Naba (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti) di Milano, tramite un progetto elettrizzante. Gli studenti dell'Accademia sono stati invitati a realizzare un progetto grafico che riprendesse il claim Lipton "Stay Cool", sono pervenuti più di 100 progetti, tra i quali quello di Laura Marin, vincitrice del concorso. Un contest creativo interessante, finalizzato a mettere in relazione gli studenti con una realtà professionale concreta come quella relativa al brand Lipton, ed invitando i ragazzi a misurarsi all'interno di un reale contesto lavorativo. L'idea è stata supportata da Barbara Colombo, Senior Brand Manager Lipton Ice Tea, la quale afferma l'intento della marca di dare sempre più spazio ai giovani, intesi come target principale di riferimento. L'iter progettuale consisteva nella realizzazione di grafiche creative da riprodurre su lattine da 33 cl di Lipton Ice Tea nelle varianti limone, pesca e thè verde. I progetti visionati durante l'evento sono stati, a mio avviso, la perfetta rappresentazione un lavoro ben riuscito, svolto con competenza, buon gusto e professionalità dagli studenti dell'Accademia Naba, sono quindi d'accordo con l'orgoglio dimostrato da Angelo Colella, Direttore del Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Graphic Design Naba; vorrei anche complimentarmi con Laura, la vincitice del concorso (bellissime le grafiche giocose che hai realizzato, brava Laura!) e con Lipton, per l'apprezzabile spirito con il quale ha messo, ancora una volta, i giovani in comunicazione con il mondo reale, fornendo un'occasione per misurare la propria competenza e professionalità.
Trattandosi di un evento mattutino, in un clima semi-estivo, la scelta dell'outfit è stata semplice: abitino bianco in pizzo con ricamo importante (un dettaglio sfizioso), sandali in cuoio marrone e maxi bow abbinato, che altro?
This morning I participated with pleasure at the event - the presentation of the new Lipton graphics, made in collaboration with NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts) in Milan, through an exciting project. Academy students were invited to create a graphic project which had to take back Lipton claim "Stay Cool", it has received more than 100 projects, including Laura Marin's, winner of the competition. An interesting creative contest, aimed at relating the students with practical professional reality as Lipton brand, and inviting guys to compete in a real working environment. The idea was supported by Barbara Colombo, Senior Brand Manager Lipton Ice Tea, which states the intent of the brand to give more space for young people, intended as the main target of reference. The design process was to design creative graphics on 33 cl cans of Lipton Ice Tea variants in lemon, peach and green tea. The projects were viewed during the event, in my opinion, the perfect representation of a job well done, done with skill, good taste and professionalism by the students of Naba, I agree with the pride shown by Angelo Colella , Director of the Department of Communication and Graphic Design Naba, I would also like to congratulate Laura, winner of the competition (the beautiful playful graphics you have created, good Laura!) and Lipton, for the valuable spirit which has put young people in communication with the real world, providing an opportunity to measure their competence and professionalism.
Being a morning event in a semi-summer weather, the choice was simple white dress with lace embroidery important (a tasty detail), brown leather sandals and big bow tied, what else?
This morning I participated with pleasure at the event - the presentation of the new Lipton graphics, made in collaboration with NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts) in Milan, through an exciting project. Academy students were invited to create a graphic project which had to take back Lipton claim "Stay Cool", it has received more than 100 projects, including Laura Marin's, winner of the competition. An interesting creative contest, aimed at relating the students with practical professional reality as Lipton brand, and inviting guys to compete in a real working environment. The idea was supported by Barbara Colombo, Senior Brand Manager Lipton Ice Tea, which states the intent of the brand to give more space for young people, intended as the main target of reference. The design process was to design creative graphics on 33 cl cans of Lipton Ice Tea variants in lemon, peach and green tea. The projects were viewed during the event, in my opinion, the perfect representation of a job well done, done with skill, good taste and professionalism by the students of Naba, I agree with the pride shown by Angelo Colella , Director of the Department of Communication and Graphic Design Naba, I would also like to congratulate Laura, winner of the competition (the beautiful playful graphics you have created, good Laura!) and Lipton, for the valuable spirit which has put young people in communication with the real world, providing an opportunity to measure their competence and professionalism.
Being a morning event in a semi-summer weather, the choice was simple white dress with lace embroidery important (a tasty detail), brown leather sandals and big bow tied, what else?
2 commenti
Perché nell'ultima foto... You rock! ;) Bella la Ele! :) Auguroni!
RispondiEliminaMolto carine queste foto e bellissime le lattine!
Se ti va ti aspetto sul mio blog “The Reality Of A Dream” =D